Thursday, June 4, 2009

last paper tomorrow and i am done with mid sems and this annoying term! i cannot wait for term break. then i can go shopping and spend money on things i don't need + crash all the chalets in the world + cycle + class bbq + catch up with all my friends + spend my kinokuniya voucher on some fancy stationery i don't need.

i am waiting very patiently for a parcel to arrive in the mail but i have this feeling it got lost because it is taking so long. $$ fly away. i am not very upset though. i think i might have gotten used to how screwed up my life is.

there is rht paper tmrw and rht is my BEST subject. can understand. got do tutorial. got pay attention during lecture. never take video during lecture. never skip before. can answer question when tutor pick joyce to answer question. SPSS software can do on my own. SPSS never hang because i never gehkiang and click slowly. print output never accidentally print 5 times

love RHT with all my soul RHT for life.


  1. i think if tan kh read your last few sentences he will flip lor. print until 5 times.

    btw i loled at "SPSS never hang because i never gehkiang and click slowly" HAHAH. i can still remember how he said it ok

  2. LOL i used the papers as draft paper damn funny. i dont believe is coz i click very fast. and spss is supposed to be more advanced than excel lor. stupid gehkiang anyhow say grr
