Sunday, June 28, 2009

Read about how i will continue to grow up


roll cursor over

okay forget it i dont be geh kiang use what hyperlink
this is the link

livejournal leh ultimately i belongthere
add me up i sure accept unless you are someone i hate ttm even mas selamat i also will accept

Saturday, June 27, 2009

dian la why my wordpress like thatone i want to switch to livejournal already lah but then even more dian must add all my friends again sian gls sian gmjd sian gmjlsad

Good one

Kenneth Goh Cannot believe how people go 'RIP Michael Jackson,We will miss you' when all the while when he was alive, people go 'Pedophile', 'Fag' and all. True or what!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Truth is, everybody's going to hurt you... you just gotta find the ones who are worth suffering for." - Bob Marley

Monday, June 22, 2009

what's wrong what's wrong now

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tunyth just cheer gonna be okay

Before camp
- Hang around T1 with ice hawk
- Bought lanyard (how to spell?)
- Ate sushi at Nihon Mura
- Bus-ed to school
- Watch CNN etc on cable tv in the library boring ttm even crimewatch channel also like more interesting leh
During camp
- Tunyth!
- Icebreakers
- England ate a raw egg this one will remember for life because i was quite stubborn and insistent that its hard boiled and almost volunteered DAMN STUPID thankfully i didn't imagine my relief when i saw liquid substance flowing out of the egg crack. I am clever.
- Hang out with bryan and friends near the field stands til 3 am
- Slept in ants hall for about 3-4 hours
- Breakfast
- Got totally wet for about 4 times. Wet then dry then wet then dry then wet then dry then wet then dry
- Soles of my left shoe came out. The whole sole! so basically my shoe had no base. Masking taped it back. Thankfully the right one was okay.
- Soles of my right shoe came out about half an hour later
- Dian
- Dian
- Still Dian
- Was cui ttm es smudged shoes torn hair messy clothes wet body sunburnt CUI AH
- Mass dance
+ sing alot of songs
- Mr Bean i jsut have to include this
i have met many new faces and certainly have learnt a lot from this 2d1n camp

Thursday, June 18, 2009

dialogues personalities interpretations

evolving evolving evolving into